How can I get involved, and how can I help?
Christmas Tree Giving – launching first week of November
We have a Christmas Tree in our foyer at Renewal Solihull, where you are very welcome to grab a gift label which has details of a family, the requests and everything required to go in their gift bundle. You are welcome to drop this back to us at our Renewal Solihull location, with the gift label attached. In doing this, you are helping us to support the needs of a specific family. If there are no gift labels, please help us fill the age group gaps by providing in the below ways.
You can give through our Amazon Wish List which will be regularly updated to ensure there are no age group gaps! This is the best way to see what we need. These toys will then be distributed across locations to ensure the grotto is full of age appropriate toys.
You can give financially by clicking the button below. This enables us to shop at The Entertainer where we have 20% discount on all toys and gifts. This means your giving will go 20% further than if you were to purchase something – which means, even more toys! It will also mean that we have no gaps in provisions and every child will receive an equal amount.
Toy Offering Sunday
Toy Offering Sunday will be at all Renewal locations on the 24th November 2024.
We have our Toy Offering Sunday coming up this year! Bring a toy to the gathering where we will celebrate the giving together and pray for the families who will receive toys. For many, this tradition has become the beginning of the Christmas season. We can’t wait to see all of the toys arriving!
Do you know someone who needs help this Christmas?
We don’t want anyone to struggle this Christmas. If you know someone who may be facing financial hardship or who would otherwise go without this Christmas, do not hesitate to get in touch. The referral will need to come through an agency or a member of the Renewal church family.
Our referral process to get someone help….
Contact and we will send you the referral form.