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Our Locations

Renewal Gathers in-person and online every week, so you can be a part of our community wherever you are. We meet in-person across three locations, Chelmsley, Solihull and Stratford and live-stream our Solihull Sunday Gatherings at 10AM so anyone can get involved. Renewal Online is our YouTube based location with a mission to reach the world around us, build online community and learn together – head over there to find out more.


Our Locations & Gatherings

Need to catch up?

If you aren’t ready to join us in-person, or can’t, we understand. Renewal Church is a perfect way for you to get involved in Renewal’s Sunday Gatherings so nobody misses out! We stream our Sunday Gatherings live from our Solihull location every Sunday at 10AM. Click below to head to our channel and don’t forget to click on subscribe and turn on your notifications so you know when we’re online.


Planning a visit?

Let us know what location and when you are planning on visiting. We'll send you some helpful info and would love to find out how your visit went!