We believe that God has called us to reach and bless people from one to many.
Our heartfelt thanks goes to you for standing with us in your donations to help the church to fulfil its mission and vision.
You may wish to know more on how to contribute to the work of Renewal, please scroll down for the four ways you can support by giving financially.
Tithes & Offerings >
Contributing to the upkeep and ongoing work of Renewal
Vision Offering >
Reaching the next generation with our ‘Make the Most’ building project
Community Fund >
Supporting people within our local community who are in need of help
Relief Fund >
Providing relief in times of distress for those in our church family
Gift aid.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please click the Gift Aid button when you give as it allows us to we gain an extra 25p for every £1 you donate.
If you are already a regular giver and wish to complete the gift aid form, please download it from here.
At Renewal Solihull – we also have Contact Cards at our Giving Points where you can fill out your details in order to give or give via our envelope.