The vision at Renewal is to take the gospel of Jesus ‘From One To Many.’ To do that we have carriers; those who can take responsibility, bear the loads and carry a part of the vision themselves. We also have runners; those who see the vision in their spirit and will run with it to take it further and faster and release it into the hands of others.
These nights are for partners who already have leadership responsibilities, or are emerging and desiring to grow in leadership potential.
‘Carriers & Runners’ gives us the opportunity to analyse where we are and what we need. It also helps us see the demographics of leadership within the church and shape plans for leadership development.
We make no apologies that this is entered around serving and servant-heartedness. We believe that God has placed within the family all we need. Can we ask you to ensure that you are in an effective place of service for Renewal? Can we encourage you to find the space in your life that blesses the mission, values and vision of the church?