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05 April 2023 | Sunday | Easter

Upon Him – Easter Sunday

Upon Him – Easter Sunday

Isaiah is foundational for us this year at Renewal. One of the Servant Songs that Isaiah writes describes what Jesus goes through on the cross in vivid detail. This Easter we make Isaiah 53 our reflection, that all was laid UPON HIM, as he carried the sin ofthe world. And, we make it our celebration, as UPON HIM is our salvation

The Easter Sunday message is brought by Jonny

Group Notes
Please click below if you would like to download and read the group notes for this message!

Easter Sunday Notes

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Jonny is our Liverpudlian senior leader who is all about making Jesus famous in the Heart of the UK. Jonny is a live life to the full person, with family, at home, at play or work. Enthusiastic and passionate, Jonny loves to teach and make you smile or think!

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