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06 June 2022 | Sunday | Time Well Spent

Time Redeemed

Time Redeemed

Harriet explores our time in the here and now – the time we call today. 

Paul says in Ephesians 5:16, speaks of “redeeming time. ”Redeem is a very specific word, which speaks something of rescuing or buying back”

This message looks into redeeming time, and how we use the wasted time and redeem it. Focusing on our limited time on this life on earth with our mortal bodies.

This is Part 3 of our Time Well Spent series delivered by Harriet Verah.

Time Well Spent – Teach Us To Live Wisely and Well

A well known phrase is’ time flies’. There seems like in life there is too much to do leading to a belief we would get it all right, if only we had more time? If we care to admit it, we will probably agree, that we don’t manage time as wisely as we should. This series focuses on time as gift and a resource and that it is good discipleship to use it well.

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