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15 January 2023 | Sunday | Upon His Shoulders

The Invitation of all Invitations 

The Invitation of all Invitations 

Have you ever received a special invitation? 

We did deeper into Isaiah and Jesus himself, as we go through the teachings of Isaiah.

The Closer to God we are, the lighter the load. The more you allow the rule of God, governing your life which includes order, the more you will increase in His peace. After all, His kingdom, Isaiah says, has no end. 

Dig deeper into Jonny’s message.

This is Part 2 of our teaching series, Upon His Shoulders. 

Upon His Shoulders

If the government is Upon His Shoulders how does that change how we live? Renewal will open the year with a prophetic message series of four parts, based on Isaiah Chapter 9. To be a prepared to people for future times, having proved Gods love and faithfulness, head knowledge will not suffice. In times of darkness and despair we can hold confidence in the great light He shines. Therefore, we are to hope in the person, work and nature of Jesus to see us through.

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Jonny is our Liverpudlian senior leader who is all about making Jesus famous in the Heart of the UK. Jonny is a live life to the full person, with family, at home, at play or work. Enthusiastic and passionate, Jonny loves to teach and make you smile or think!