Smart Living
Psalm 90:10-12, John 5. Too many act as if they have all the time in the world, and so we susceptible to procrastinating. We all need a healthy balance for how we spend our time. To find ebbs and flow, rhythms and seasons is good for us. Moses, in his era, thought about time much differently than we do today. It was holy, purposeful, a gift; both in Kronos terms and in Kairos moments. To use time well, let us smarten up like Jesus and be about the Father’s business.
This is Part 1 in our brand new series called Time Well Spent delivered by Jonny Lee.
Time Well Spent – Teach Us To Live Wisely and Well
A well known phrase is’ time flies’. There seems like in life there is too much to do leading to a belief we would get it all right, if only we had more time? If we care to admit it, we will probably agree, that we don’t manage time as wisely as we should. This series focuses on time as gift and a resource and that it is good discipleship to use it well.
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Jonny is our Liverpudlian senior leader who is all about making Jesus famous in the Heart of the UK. Jonny is a live life to the full person, with family, at home, at play or work. Enthusiastic and passionate, Jonny loves to teach and make you smile or think!