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20 June 2022 | Sunday | Seven



To be the authentic witness to this world and become more like Jesus we are to recover, learn and practice an obedient spirit. We don’t enjoy discussing the issue of authority even though we deal with it every day. We translate it as being told what to do told how to live. Resentment and rebellion to authority is ironic because none of us know what to do all of the time! If you serve God you must handle any responsibility that he gives you, learning to be trustworthy is learning to be obedient and to be ‘In’ authority is learning how to be ‘Under’ authority.

This is Part 2 of our new Seven series delivered by Jonny Lee.


It is easy to make distinctions when it comes to sin. Despite the obvious consequences of certain actions, ultimately the Bible doesn’t really categorise, but warns that doing whatever we feel like doing is not a free life. The business end of sin is death to our spirit. We will conclude each teach with a time of liturgy for confession as a chance for all to examine themselves.

This is Part 1 of the Seven series, delivered by Jonny Lee.

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Jonny is our Liverpudlian senior leader who is all about making Jesus famous in the Heart of the UK. Jonny is a live life to the full person, with family, at home, at play or work. Enthusiastic and passionate, Jonny loves to teach and make you smile or think!