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18 July 2022 | Sunday | Seven



Louise digs deeper into our drivenness and how we can avoid motives of wrongful ambition and pride, suggesting that when these are at the heart or drive our decisions – love and unity is not always our true goal. This type of ambition, begins and ends with self, is often at the expense of others, can be destructive to you and other people, potentially is excused or dressed up as being driven, successful, achieving whilst also bringing discord & disunity. God is not in the business to harm us. He cares about you.He has come to give us life and life to the full! (John 10:10)

However, as good and positive as the outcome/result may be, if intentions & motivations driving us towards something aren’t the right ones (rooted in God), we may be in a cycle of sin without even realising it or it is in fact causing us or others harm.

This is Part 6 of our Seven series brought to you by Louise Lee.


It is easy to make distinctions when it comes to sin. Despite the obvious consequences of certain actions, ultimately the Bible doesn’t really categorise, but warns that doing whatever we feel like doing is not a free life. The business end of sin is death to our spirit. We will conclude each teach with a time of liturgy for confession as a chance for all to examine themselves. This is a 7 part teaching series on the less deadly sins.

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Travel and health enthusiast Louise is passionate about serving God both at work and in the church. She balances her time between her role as a Corporate Responsibility Officer, speaking in church, leading the women’s ministry and raising a family.

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