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11 April 2022 | Sunday | The Holy Bible

Back To Basics

Back To Basics
The theme ‘The Holy Bible’ and in this message, Katherine explores how to read the Bible and essentially go back to basics. Encouraging us that we need to know the word for ourselves – that it is a personal revelation from Jesus deposited within us whilst reading his book, the breath of God.

The Holy Bible
In a time where absolute authority is questioned, for individualism, in regards to truth, we believe the Bible stands above it all. We believe that all Scripture is God inspired and that the Word of God is to be revered. We encourage all to read and get to know it as the major way in which God communicates with us.

The Bible claims it alone gives us special revelation about God, and it alone describes the way to God. If Christians place so much emphasis upon the Bible, do we really know: What it is? Can we trust it? How do we read it? Although the Bible is difficult to believe from talking snakes, donkeys to miracles, wonders, virgin births and resurrections.

This teaching series will aim to create more understanding not to blindly accept without considering the difficulties of how relevant the Bible is for us today.

This is Part 4 of our ‘The Holy Bible’ series delivered by Katherine Shand.

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Katherine has been at Renewal since she was 8, and now leads the Youth and young people across our locations. She is also a woman of many talents, playing piano and having a background in performing arts.

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